We want to thank Wells Fargo for recognizing the work the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline does is vital during this time of uncertainty. We thank them for their generous support and continued dedication to the Hotline. The Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline wants to thank The Idaho Community Foundation, United Ways in Idaho, Idaho Non Profit Center, and Wells Fargo for the COVID–19 Response and Recovery Fund. Your funding means we are able to continue our vital work during this time … 安卓科学上外网 app
POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19: Loss Survivor Support Group Facilitator Training
WILL BE RESCHEDULED IN FALL 2023. Suicide Loss Survivor Support Group Facilitator Training, presented by the Dougy Center. Participants will learn skills to facilitate Bereavement Support Groups for both youth and adults. Dougy Center: http://www.dougy.org/
I Want You to Be Alive
Click on title to watch this very important video.